Feel Better Now with our Acupuncture and Supportive Therapies
Acupuncture is a holistic healing modality that involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points of the body. It is a safe and effective treatment that has been used for thousands of years to help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and promote overall health and well-being. Dr. Stephanie Fish offers personalized acupuncture treatments that are tailored to your individual needs and goals. She is trained in traditional Chinese medicine and modern neurological approaches to acupuncture. She uses a variety of techniques to help balance the body's nervous systems and promote healing. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, stress, or a specific health condition, acupuncture may be an effective option for you. We welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fish to learn more about how acupuncture can support your health and wellness journey.
Electroacupuncture (e-stim)
Electroacupuncture, or e-stim, is a form of acupuncture that involves applying a mild electrical current to the needles. This technique has been shown to enhance the benefits of traditional acupuncture by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and promoting the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. E-stim can provide a more comprehensive and effective approach to pain management and injury recovery, as well as modulate activity in the nervous system.
Gua Sha - Instrument-assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves using a specialized tool to promote circulation and healing. It can be incorporated into an acupuncture treatment or used as a standalone therapy to reduce inflammation and alleviate muscle pain, headaches, respiratory problems, digestive issues, and stress-related disorders. Gua Sha works by promoting the flow of blood and other fluids and is a safe and effective complementary therapy that can be used in combination with other treatments to promote health and wellness.
Cupping therapy is a natural and holistic treatment that involves creating a vacuum on the skin to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and inflammation, and promote relaxation. It can be used to treat a variety of health conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, respiratory issues, and digestive disorders.
During a cupping therapy session, special cups are placed on specific points of the body, creating a vacuum that draws the skin and underlying tissue upward. The cups can be left in place for several minutes or moved around to target different areas of the body.
Photobiomodulation therapy, also known as low-level light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses primarily red and near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function and healing. This therapy involves the use of a device that emits specific wavelengths of light energy that are absorbed by cells in the body, resulting in a range of therapeutic effects including increased circulation, reduced inflammation, pain relief, and skin healing. Light therapy is painless and non-invasive.